*** Key Stage 4 Course Choices Evening - Thursday 30 January, 5.00pm to 7.30pm ***


*** Year 9 Parents' Evening - Thursday 6 February ***


Over the next few weeks, our Year 9 students will be making some crucial decisions about the next phase of their education. Until now, they have all followed exactly the same curriculum but as they start Key Stage 4, they will be involved in choosing for themselves some of the subjects and types of qualification they will study moving forward.

As a school, we are committed to supporting, advising and guiding our students through this Course Choices process, so that they decide upon a broad and balanced curriculum that not only plays to their personal strengths but also provides them with plenty of options in the future

This is the first exciting step for many of our students in shaping their own future and we look forward to working with each of them on making the right Key Stage 4 Course Choices for them. 

Ms C George, Assistant Headteacher – Formal Curriculum & Assessment


Throughout this process, we strongly encourage students to speak to their parents, Form Tutors and subject teachers about their course choices for guidance. Their Head of House, Progress Lead, Named People and myself are also available for further conversations if needed.

Course Choices

The information below outlines the options available to you for Key Stage 4. Please click on the courses you’re interested in to visit the subject specific pages.

* All of the BTEC and Cambridge National subjects and the GCSE subjects marked with an asterisk have a Non-Examination Assessment or NEA – previously known as coursework – component

+ If a student chooses GCSE Triple Science, this will be instead of GCSE Combined Science

For further advice on NEAs and Science, please see the FAQ section below.

Some useful FAQs