What is our curriculum intent?
In GCSE Drama our intent is to encourage pupils to be collaborative learners in the exploration of drama. Students will develop skills that allow them to explore texts and themes within the drama space whilst cultivating a culture of intellectual reflection on the practical work they complete. GCSE Drama will introduce students to new ways of working in a creative context and is designed to develop understanding and awareness of live performance work. GCSE Drama will help develop the skills required for performing in front of a live audience and will allow pupils to learn how to prepare both devised and scripted work for performance as theatre makers. Students will develop a secure understanding of the roles and responsibilities of theatre makers and will make creative decisions on the design and staging of play texts and devised performance material.
What skills will you learn?
The key skills that will be developed are the ability to reflect critically on drama and the world as a whole in preparation for both written and practical examinations. Pupils will acquire a range of performance skills associated with different genres, style and theatre practitioners; as well as the skills required to be active and reflective audience members. In addition to this, students learn to collaborate with others, think analytically and evaluate effectively. They gain the confidence to pursue their own ideas, reflect and refine their efforts. Whatever the future holds, students of GCSE Drama emerge with a toolkit of transferable skills, applicable both in further studies and in the workplace. Drama students will develop effective presentation and communication skills and will be equipped with skills and qualities that will enable them to become effective negotiators, collaborators and young leaders.
How do we implement our curriculum?
What will the lessons consist of?
The programme of study is designed to allow students to explore the subject by acquiring the skills and techniques needed to enjoy and achieve in drama. Critical thinking is essential and the ability to analyse, discuss and reflect is as important as the development of practical performance skills.
How do we measure the impact of the course?
GCSE Drama is assessed both theoretically and practically with students taking part in Performances as well as completing a Written Exam at the end of Year 11. The course is delivered in 3 components:
Component 1 – Understanding Drama – Written Exam
- Section 1 – Understanding Drama (Theatre Roles and Terminology)
- Section 2 - Study of a Play Text
- Section 3 – Live Theatre Review: Analysis and Evaluation of a Live Theatre Production
- Written Exam – 1 hour and 45 minutes - 80 marks = 40% of GCSE
Component 2 – Devising Drama – One Practical Performance
- Creating, Devising and Performance of Original Drama in response to a Stimulus
- Devising & Rehearsal Log (2000 words)
- 80 marks = 40% of GCSE
- Teacher Assessment
Component 3 – Texts in Practice – Two Practical Performances
- Performance of Two Play Text Extracts
- 50 marks = 20% of GCSE
- Visiting Examiner Assessment
During lessons students will:
- Develop the skill of presenting a clear description of performance from the actor, director and audience perspective
- Analyse the various skills and techniques employed within performance work
- Show an understanding of group interaction and individual development
- Respond to workshop tasks and show how work can be developed
- Analyse and evaluate performance and productions as a whole, taking into consideration, acting, directing, lighting, sound and costume
- Use subject specific terminology in their written work to reinforce their argument
- Use relevant theory concepts when discussing practical work
- Create essays that show a sound use of grammar and spelling
- Be encouraged to develop appropriate vocal and physical skills that display clarity, fluency, control, appropriateness to character and situation and consideration of pace, projection, vocal and physical flexibility, timing and spatial awareness
- Work in role and develop a character, offering and accepting ideas, interpret and develop a role, using originality
- Sustain a role/character and understand and develop working relationships with others
- Research and negotiate in creating a devised piece as part of a group in which they can respond creatively, and which is appropriate for the target audience
- Contribute to and be involved with the rest of the group through their commitment, concentration, focus and ability to lead and support others
- Evaluate their contribution to the performance work created and valuate performances as a whole
What we teach when
Year 10
Year 11
What extra opportunities to learn are available?
It is encouraged that all students undertaking GCSE drama take part in the school productions, although this is not essential. School productions offer students a valuable experience of live performance and can help to develop their skills for assessment in drama and widen their experiences as individuals. There are also opportunities through Arts XTRA programme including participating in and leading drama clubs, public speaking events, performance competitions and live theatre visits.
How are students grouped?
Students are grouped in mixed ability classes that are determined by their option blocks.
How can students be supported through learning at home?
There will always be performance material that students can be developing away from the classroom in the form of learning lines which can be supported by regular read-throughs. Students will be set regular research tasks in class which be undertaken using the internet, the library and by visiting the theatre. There are some very useful online digital theatre resources which students can access to broaden their understanding and appreciation of live theatre. Any visits to the professional theatre that pupils can undertake will help their progress on the GCSE Drama course and broaden their cultural experience and understanding of literature in performance.
What websites do we recommend?
The specification for AQA GCSE Drama can be found at: