
3:30i:30g: TLAC pages 189-190

3:30i:30g Explanation

The '3' Phase

At the start of independent work, a teacher should spend the first three minutes setting expectations for work product / process / behaviour by standing still (not actively circulating) in your ‘Perch’ position where you can see 100% of students to ensure that everyone is on task.

You can utilise your Radar, Be Seen Looking, Least Invasive Intervention, Narrating the Positive, Positive Framing and Precise Praise techniques if needed at any point during the '3' phase to re-focus students.

The '30i' Phase

Then, once an orderly and productive work environment is established, the teacher should start circulating intentionally: checking-in, doing individual CFU, holding students accountable for their work and providing guidance. But the teacher should do it in 30 second bursts.

**Please check the CIRCULATE TAB (TLAC Technique 24, pages 183-187) for specific strategies to utilise when circulating around the classroom**

The '30g' Phase

The '30i' phase is then followed by 30 seconds of group-oriented accountability: standing up, scanning the room (Radar, Be Seen Looking etc...) and correcting students where needed.  

The overall goal of the 3:30:30 strategy is to ensure accountability among the larger class and limit the opportunity of a single student to “draw you in” at the expense of the rest of the class (or students requesting too much help… they need to work independently!).

Those are the two ‘30s’:  30i = 30 seconds (maximum) interacting with an individual and 30g = 30 seconds monitoring the group. You alternate between the two.

**Disclaimer**: You can shorten the first three minutes at the point you know your class can settle quicker into focused work on a consistent basis.

This might be spending 1 minute in the 'Perch' position, standing still, using 'Be Seen Looking' and 'Least Invasive Intervention' techniques, rather than 3 minutes, to check students are 100% settled and on task before helping a specific individual student.

3:30:30 User Guide

  • Some of the strategies outlined in the table will need to be adapted for teaching 'from the front'.
  • Using mini-whiteboards so students can hold up their work (‘Show Me’) can help you with this

How to 3How to 30iHow to 30g
Give clear directions, ones that you planned in advance.Check to see that students understand the task, including (as appropriate) “what to do if you think you are done”

Use non-verbals (“hands down” signal or shake of head) to disengage from students who ask for your time during the “standing sentry” portion of the first three

Try to make it transparent to students that the first three are about getting started. “During the first your job is to do your best; if you ask for my help I’ll say no. I’ll come to check on you later when you get started and show me your best.”

Use a stop watch to remind yourself when 30 seconds have elapsed!Try to ensure that an equal # of your 30i interactions are initiated by you. Productive interactions need not be talking. Merely reading a student’s work or circling some aspect of it can be very productive.

Privilege communication done in writing rather than spoken. For example a student asks a question and you respond by picking up his paper to read his answer. “Try to explain it here. I’ll come back and tell you if you’re on the right track.”

Give direction and support that prompt the student to return to independent work rather than engage in direct teaching (e.g. ““Go back and look at what Napoleon said earlier about the battle of the barnyard,” rather than “What did Napoleon say earlier about the battle of the barnyard?”)

So speak softly or whisper and/or try to lower your posture (ie squat down) as possible.

Face the majority of the class while you interact with a single student during 30i. Scan the room occasionally.

If you’ve just finished 30i with a student who is trying to draw more of your attention, walk away during 30g. Say “Keep working”Make occasional statements that emphasize visible compliance: “I should see everyone’s pencil moving. Just like Miranda’s.” But make them quietly. If you are loud you distract students, encourage a response and build a bed of noise that students can exploit for their own conversations.

Use non-verbal positives or very brief positives to acknowledge industrious written work during 30g. “Nice” or a tap on the desk a thumbs up. Occasionally stop to read student work. Stand behind a student when you do so.