Course Choices Video

Why study A-level Mathematics?

Just as languages provide the building blocks and rules we need to communicate, mathematics uses its own language, made up of numbers, symbols and formulas, to explore the rules we need to measure or identify essential problems like distance, speed, time, space, change, force and quantities.

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Studying Mathematics helps us find patterns and structure in our lives. Practically, Mathematics helps us put a price on things, create graphics, build websites, build skyscrapers and generally understand how things work or predict how they might change over time and under different conditions.

Mathematics is a versatile qualification, well-respected by employers and a ‘facilitating’ subject for entry to higher education. Careers for anyone with good mathematics skills and qualifications are not only well paid, but they are also often interesting and rewarding. People who have studied mathematics are in the fortunate position of having an excellent choice of career.

What are the careers or further education that this course be suitable for?

Mathematics helps supports the study of subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, IT, Economics, Business and Biology which can also help with your Mathematics revision. But studying Mathematics alongside an essay subject like English or History can help keep your options open for more jobs and university courses.

Mathematics is essential for many career choices and will be a major help with others which include, Accountancy, Aerospace & Defence, Automotive, Biosciences, Business support services, Chemicals, Construction, Consultancies, Education, Engineering, Environment, Exploration Geophysics, Financial Services, Food & Drink, Government, Healthcare, Insurance, IT & Computing, Manufacturing, Media, Metals & Minerals, Operational Research, Pharmaceuticals, Recruitment, Academic Research, Science, Telecoms, Transport/Travel, Utilities

Key Information Summary:

Course Title


Examination Board


Linear Qualification?


Course Webpage

Entry Requirements

Grade 6 in mathematics (7 or higher recommended)
Algebra MUST be a strength

Contact Teachers

Mrs L Cannon:
Miss L Bailey:

Course Details:

The single A-level Mathematics course consists of a mixture Pure and Applied elements. The pure mathematics includes topics such as Calculus, Coordinate Geometry and lots of algebra topics. The applied elements are made up of both Statistics and Mechanics topics.

The new A-level contains a problem solving element and students will be expected to apply the content they learn to harder more unfamiliar situations.

The specification is written expecting A level students to have a more advance calculator. They are expected use a calculator to  solve quadratics, solve simultaneous equations, find averages and standard deviation and finding probabilities for the normal distribution and much more. 

Below are a few options of the calculators we recommend. Please do shop around and ask the mathematics department for advice. You will not be expected to have one on the first day and we suggest waiting until after the baseline assessment.

Subject Content:

Mathematics is taught through two main subject areas:

  • Pure mathematics –  two thirds of the content is Pure mathematics

Algebraic expressions, quadratics, equations and inequalities, graphs and transformations, straight line graphs, circles, algebraic methods, the binomial expansion, trigonometric ratios, trigonometric identities and equations, vectors, differentiation, integration, exponentials and logarithms, algebraic methods, functions and graphs, sequences and series, binomial expansion, radians, trigonometric functions, trigonometry and modelling, parametric equations, numerical methods.

  • Applied mathematics - one third of the content is Applied mathematics

Statistics: Data collection, measured of location and spread, representations of data, correlation, probability, statistical distributions, hypothesis testing, regression and correlation, conditional probability, the normal distribution.

Mechanics: Modelling in mechanics, constant acceleration, forces and motion, variable acceleration, moments, forces and friction, projectiles, applications of forces, kinematics.

Assessment details:

Internal Assessments

External Examination

A-level – 2 Year Course

There will be a baseline assessment in the first week of the course, based on a number of higher GCSE topics necessary for a student to succeed at A-level. Students will be expected to achieve a minimum of 70% in this assessment and any student who does not achieve this will have to re-sit the assessment. We will support these students by providing revision materials to help them close learning gaps for the re-sit assessment. Those students who do not achieve 70% on this re-sit will (in consultation with the Director of Sixth Form) need to consider an alternative A-level course, as there is a very high chance that they will not achieve a grade in A-level mathematics.

All units will continue to be assessed internally throughout the course, in the form of end of topic assessments.

There will also be several Mock examinations throughout the course where students progress is formally assessed.

Comprises 3 written papers, each 2 hours long and of equal weighting. Paper 1 and Paper 2 cover a combination of the pure mathematics. Paper 3 covers the content of the applied mathematics.

All content is assessed at the end of 2 years.