GCSE Business Studies and OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing 

What is our curriculum intent?

At Key Stage 4, we offer: GCSE Business – a linear course. And, our new vocational course offering, OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing.

GCSE Business

How do we implement our curriculum in GCSE Business?

AQA GCSE Business is the study of business organisations and how they operate in the real world. Business can be defined as the process of adding value by providing the goods and services that people want to buy.

As a student of business you will learn about the internal operations of an organisation and the external activities that can influence business activity and their decisions. This means that you will investigate and learn about business in the real world, influences on business; business operations; marketing; human resources and finance.

The aim of the course is to develop a knowledge and understanding of the core topics in a range of contexts that makes use of relevant terminology, concepts and methods.

How do we measure the impact of the course in GCSE Business Studies?

There is only one tier of entry so all students sitting GCSE Business will receive a grade from 9 to 1.

The GCSE is assessed by two examinations at the end of Year 11. Each exam lasts 1hr 45mins and both are equally weighted.

Students will be assessed regularly throughout the course by a series of key term and topic tests and with more formal summative tests which take place in December and June in both Year 10 and 11.

How can students be supported through learning at home in GCSE Business Studies?

Homework is set regularly, once a week in the form of one written task and one learning/research task.

As a student of business studies you should have an interest in current business affairs and be prepared to read widely around the subject in newspapers and magazines. There are also many television programmes that focus on the business community.

What we teach when

Year 10

Year 11

OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

What is the programme of study on OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing course?

An aspiration for many young people is to be self-employed and start their own business. The skills required for this, such as being able to work collaboratively and creatively, solve problems and have awareness of businesses and customers, are also those requested by employers. The Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing course encourages learners to develop the skills and applied knowledge you will need in the business and enterprise sector. It is a vocational qualification, equivalent in value to a GCSE and contains both practical and theoretical elements. Due to the coursework units, high attendance in school is essential. Throughout this course, learners will be applying real life business techniques to understand customers and develop a product. Learners will also learn how businesses attract and keep their customers. They will be researching and designing their own business proposal – complete with facts and figures.

Assessment in the Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

There are three units of work; one exam and two coursework units.



Assessment Weighting

Unit R067: Enterprise and marketing concepts

Written exam


Unit R068: Design a business proposal

NEA Units - these two units offer practical task-based assessment opportunities, alongside the examined unit which contains underpinning knowledge and understanding


Unit R069: Market and pitch a business proposal


How can students be supported through learning at home in their Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing?

  • All tasks are set on Firefly so can be worked on at home as well as in school.
  • Students will be expected to use homework time to research and draft tasks for the unit assessments.
  • Students do not complete their NEA work at home, as per the Exam Board guidance, they must complete their NEA work under supervised conditions (in class with teacher).

How are students grouped in Business Education?

Students should choose either GCSE Business or Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing on their course option form. Once the student has made their choice, subject leads will review prior attainment data, including attendance, and where necessary, speak with heads of house and parents to ensure students are placed on the course most suited for their learning style. Students on either the GCSE or Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing course are taught in mixed ability groups.

What we teach when

Year 10


Half Term 1

Half Term 2

Half Term 3

Half Term 4

Half Term 5

Half Term 6

Enterprise & Marketing

R068 - Design a business proposal (NEA)

R069 - Market and pitch a business proposal (NEA)

R067 - Enterprise and marketing concepts (Exam)

Year 11


Half Term 1

Half Term 2

Half Term 3

Half Term 4

Half Term 5

Half Term 6

Enterprise & Marketing

R067 - Enterprise and marketing concepts (Exam)

Exam Prep

What extra opportunities to learn are available?

Enrichment opportunities include a Dragon’s Den competition and involvement in the school’s Student Ambassador programme. In the run up to examinations extra classes are provided to those students who are not yet achieving their target grade.

What websites do we recommend?

The current examination board specifications can be found at: 

Useful support websites include:


Mrs J McHarg - jmcharg@wilmslowhigh.com

Curriculum Team Leader, Business, Enterprise and ICT