If for some unavoidable reason you are more than 15 minutes late you must sign in on the sheet at the Student Services Office.

If you have an appointment out of school, e.g. doctor, dentist your parent/guardian must email the attendance officer, Mrs Charlton in advance (r.charlton@wilmslowhigh.com). You must also produce evidence of this appointment to your teacher and sign out on the sheet at the Student Services Office.

If you feel ill you should inform your teacher or a member of the duty team. A first aider will then come to see you and will make a decision on whether you need to attend first aid or be collected by your parents. 

You must not text parents using your mobile phone – school will do this if needed.

You must not go home without permission.

If you need to be excused from PE.  If you are unable to take part in PE for any reason, parents/guardians must email one of the teachers below asking for permission to be excused. Please note, if a student is unable to take part in a PE lesson, they are still expected to wear PE kit.

Girls team leader: Miss Jamison (cjamison@wilmslowhigh.com) 

Boys team leader: Mr Herriott (rherriott@wilmslowhigh.com)