Lost Property

If the item is labelled with a name, it will be returned to the student. All items of clothing or large pieces of equipment that are not named will be moved to Store 5. Students will be able to check if their lost item is in the store once-a-day during break time (10.45am – 11.00am). If items of clothing are not collected within 3 weeks they will be donated to the second hand uniform shop or Student Services. If parents/carers have any questions regarding lost property, the email contact is lostproperty@wilmslowhigh.com

Please note that the school does not take any responsibility for items lost on the school premises. The school also does not take responsibility for items left unattended or stored in classrooms.

If your son or daughter loses any items at school, he/she should do the following:

  1. Retrace his/her steps to see if the item can be found
  2. Inform a member of staff in the area it may have been lost in e.g. class teacher or a member of staff on duty
  3. Check with other students to see if anyone can help locate the item or in case a friend has picked it up by mistake e.g. PE kit in the lesson
  4. Check at the Student Services office on the day the item was mislaid
  5. Visit the lost property store the next day at break time to look for the lost item