E Safety Rules at Wilmslow High School

Students at Wilmslow High School are able to communicate with staff and their peers via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). They will also use the VLE to access digital resources and complete some home learning tasks. 

The school recognises that this interaction is necessary to promote modern styles of learning, but social interaction can occasionally place young people in danger. We, therefore, strive to achieve a balance between controlling access, setting rules and educating students.

E-Safety Rules

The rules below are in place to protect our students and must be adhered to by everyone using Wilmslow High School’s computer networks.

  • Wilmslow High School owns the computer network and can set rules for itsuse.
  • It is a criminal offence to “hack” into a computer system. We take this very seriously and any unauthorised use of, or access to, the school network will be reported to the police.
  • Irresponsible use may result in the loss of network or Internet access.
  • Students must only access and use their own accounts and not those of others.
  • Students are provided with passwords for the network and VLE. These must be kept confidential.
  • Email messages shall be written carefully and politely without causing offence or upset to others.
  • Users must take care not to reveal personal information through email, blogs etc.
  • Using the network for personal financial gain, gambling, political activity, advertising or any illegal purpose is not permitted. Students must also be very mindful of the effect of social networking outside school. Such sites are barred from the school network but the school will work with outside authorities, including the police, if incidents of cyberbullying are detected. This includes using mobile telephones and other electronic devices to send unwanted and/or offensive messages.