What is our curriculum intent?
In Computer Science at Wilmslow High, we aim to equip students with the skills and knowledge they will require to thrive in an increasingly digitised and automated world. We aim to use technology in innovative ways to foster curiosity, confidence, creativity, and resilience thereby empowering students into becoming regional and global citizens capable of actively and ethically communicating and collaborating in a digital world.
As a department, we place great focus on encouraging students to experiment without fear of failure and students are encouraged to find new ways to apply their knowledge. This allows students to believe in their ability and share responsibility for their learning.
By choosing to study GCSE Computer Science, students will be developing skills for learning, working, and living in an increasingly digital world. The course will help them to develop creativity, logical thinking, independent learning, and self-evaluation through a range of practical programming tasks. Throughout the course, students will be introduced to several programming languages as well as theoretical concepts to enable them to have a better understanding as to how computer technologies are being used in modern life.
Choosing to study Computer Science provides students with a thorough grounding in Computing, creating opportunities for them to move on to A-levels, or industry recognised IT qualifications and employment. It also supports progress in other areas such as Design Technology, Science, Mathematics, and Engineering.
How do we implement our curriculum?
Paper 1: Computational thinking and programming skills
Paper 1 of the course focuses on computational thinking, code tracing, problem-solving, programming concepts including the design of effective algorithms and the designing, writing, testing, and refining of code. In this area of the course, you will learn how to program high-quality software using computers to develop solutions of a wide range of tasks. The topic names in this Paper are:
- Fundamentals of algorithms
- Programming
Paper 2: Computing concepts
In this part of the course, you will explore topics such as exactly how the physical parts of your computer work, what software and files are really made of, and how computer networks can be kept secure. We will also explore the ethical impact of technology on modern life, reviewing the positives and negatives that have arisen from the rise in technology usage. This is the full list of topics in this component:
- Fundamentals of data representation
- Computer systems
- Fundamentals of computer networks
- Cyber security
- Relational databases and structured query language (SQL)
- Ethical, legal, and environmental impacts of digital technology on wider society, including issues of privacy
What we teach when
Year 10
Year 11
How do we measure the impact of the course?
In Computer Science, we use technology to our advantage wherever possible. We use a range of digital assessment tools to track student progress. We measure the progress of students programming ability by regularly offering feedback on the code they have written – we use an online platform called Snakify to allow students to complete programming practice in a fun and engaging way.
The final assessment takes place in the form of two exams at the end of the second year of study. Each exam is worth 50% of the total marks available. One exam is focused on the students ability to understand Computer Science and programming, while the second exam is focused on the theory of how computers work.
How can students be supported through learning at home?
At GCSE, students will learn subject content using a teaching methodology called flipped learning. Students' homework will be to watch YouTube videos and make to make clear notes of specific sub-topics. Students then bring these notes with them to the start of each lesson and we use our lesson time to explore the topic further using a range of practical activities and exam practice questions. No more boring lectures!
What extra opportunities to learn are available?
The Computer Science team run additional support and coursework ‘catch-up’ sessions on several evenings each week. Students are always welcome to attend these sessions to improve their knowledge and understanding of the topics being studied.
Students will have the option to explore aspects of Computer Science that fall outside of the scope of the exam specification by attending the weekly Seniors Computer Science Club. In this club, students will be given the opportunity to explore a develop their knowledge of alternative technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and big data. Students will also have the opportunities to enter Computer Science specific competitions, such as BAFTA’s Young Game Designers.
What websites do we recommend?
The current examination board specification can be found here.
Students looking to consolidate, enrich or extend their knowledge and understanding might start on this website: Topics — Ada Computer Science
Mr O Moore - omoore@wilmslowhigh.com