Research and answer the following questions on Vergangenheitsbewältigung:

-What is Vergangenheitsbewältigung?

- Vergangenheitsbewältigung covers multiple aspects of German history, but two in particular, what two events is the term most associated with?

- What roles do schools play in Vegangenheitsbewältigung? 

- The 'Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe' is a controversial and thought-provoking monument in Berlin. Why is it so controversial? 

-Do you think the 'Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe' is a suitable and effective memorial? Why/ Why not? 

-Vergangenheitsbewältigung plays an important role in Angela Merkel's vision for Germany. Can you think of any examples of how the movement has shaped her political decisions/ the direction of Germany over the last 15 years? 

- Some people believe that Vergangenheitsbewältigung has failed/ is failing. Can you find any examples to back this up?