Language & Representations

TASK: We would like you to collect a range of  5 short texts with interesting language features (these can be leaflets, articles, web pages etc.). The aim is to create a scrapbook of texts that you can annotate using CAMPGR and The Language Levels.

What to look for when collecting texts: CAMP GR

Context: where was the text produced and received. What factors may have influenced its production or reception?

Audience: look for a wide range of audiences - age, occupation, gender, hobbies & interests, income, family situation

Mode: spoken, written, electronic

Purpose: A text may have more than one purpose – describe, persuade, inform, advise, explain, argue, entertain, instruct

Genre: magazine articles, extracts from fiction texts, writing for children, advertising, food packaging, webpage, leaflet, text book, holiday brochure

Register: is it in a high/low or mixed formality register?

Representation: What is the key representation in the text? Topic Writer Audience People/Places

*Ensure that you annotate your texts with CAMP GR and identify the key representation.

Example Text: online recipe introduction


It’s not hard to make biscuits that hold their shape well while cooking; it’s not hard to make biscuits that taste good and have a melting, buttery texture: what’s hard is to find a biscuit that does all of these things together. This one does it all, and with ease.

Like all doughs, it freezes well, so it makes sense – in a smug, domestic kind of a way – to wrap half of this in clingfilm and stash it in the deep freeze until next needed. It’s hard to specify exactly how much icing you’ll need, but you might end up using more than specified below if you’re using a lot of different colours.

As my children grew up, I always cut out the newly acquired age of each child on his or her birthday. My children couldn’t have contemplated a birthday party without them, and nor could I. Since then, I have found them deliciously invaluable to say and celebrate anything I've needed them to. Truly, an indispensable recipe.

For US cup measures, use the toggle at the top of the ingredients list

Further annotations - The Language Frameworks 

Linguistic framework

Questions to ask the text

Possible features

What does it look like on the page?


Is it set out in columns? Paragraphs? Verses? Does it include diagrams or images? Does it use different typefaces, font sizes?





What kinds of sentences does the text use?


Statements? Questions? Commands? Exclamations? Are the sentences short, complex? Are there examples of unusual word order?

Sentence construction – including minor sentences

Sentences types

Pronoun choice


1st, 2nd, 3rd person

What kinds of vocabulary and phrases does it use?

Lexis & Semantics

Is the language emotional or detached? Personal or impersonal, simple or sophisticated? Are words used that are technical, specialist?

Standard and non-standard English / register

Formal/informal lexical choices

Colloquial choices

Semantic field



Literal/figurative language – metaphor Denotation / connotation

Example student responses