Introduction to firefly

Logging into firefly on a computer


Independent work (homework) will be set in firefly (as well as recorded in planners).  It is important students check firefly every day and mark work as 'done' once it is complete - this informs teachers that work is completed.

Quick guide to the 'firefly for students' app

Downloading the app

Please make sure you have the latest software updates on your phone 

1. Search in your app store or playstore for: Firefly for Students

2. Then choose: Get/Install

3. Android devices may need access to your camera, photos and microphone (this is ok to accept)

Log into the app

  1. School Code = WILMSLOW
  2. Username =  g?????
  3. Password = 'password' unless students have changed this
  4. STUDENTS MUST use the 'Students and Staff' link to sign in